As I have already mentioned, I am very buried in papers to grade. I teach five writing courses, so you can imagine how things have piled up in the course of a few weeks. It is especially daunting because I have never been this behind and always make a huge effort to return student work within one week after receiving it.
It has been one week today since the loss of my husband and I know, intellectually, that it will eventually feel better than it does now.
With that in mind, I am going to cancel class tomorrow, Friday, October 17th.
I will assign out of class essay #2 on Monday.
Be prepared to discuss BB through episode 5.
Below is the assignment for Packet #6, due to be read by Wednesday, October 22nd.
Have a good, safe weekend. See you Monday.
We will be exploring the issue of
gun control. I have listed a brief pro and con list to help you become more familiar with the topic. Consider this list one of the readings. The others are posted beneath the pro and con list.
- Most violent crimes are committed with guns; thus, restricting gun ownership will likely reduce the number of such crimes.
- Lunatics, bullied school kids, disgruntled workers, and others can inflict mass casualties with guns that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
- A crime victim who has a gun may be in more danger than an unarmed person since the criminal may kill in perceived self-defense.
- Suicides and crimes of passion are higher with gun availability, as it's much easier to act immediately on your impulses when a gun is available.
- The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution was targeted towards militia, e.g. the National Guard, rather than individuals.
- Crimes that may have been less harmful can be made more dangerous by adding a gun.
- Legalized gun ownership means guns have a greater chance of falling into the hands of kids, potentially resulting in some deadly accidents.
- Terrorism, school shootings, and other modern circumstances make guns more dangerous nowadays.
- Criminals will always find a way to obtain their guns, leaving law-abiding citizens without any weapons to use in defense.
- Crimes are often prevented by the deterrent effect of the possibility of victim gun possession.
- The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution protects the individual's right to gun ownership.
- Woman and weaker individuals may have no means of self-defense from rape or other crimes, especially in the inner city.
- Guns in the possession of citizens are an added protection against government tyranny.
- Police are often too overwhelmed to protect all citizens from violent crime.
- Banning guns will create another potentially large source of organized criminal revenue, as a black market for guns will surely develop.
- Banning guns will take away yet another piece of our liberty, which is one more step to socialism and totalitarianism.
- Reasonable gun control & education steps can be put in place, so an outright ban is unnecessary.
"Gabby Giffords Launches New Gun Control Campaign.."
by Henry Gass
"How Much Do You Know about the Second Amendment? A Quiz"
(please take the quiz)
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