Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014--11:52 pm

Hello everyone,

I am, clearly, very behind in reviewing rough drafts, and I apologize! I am working through them, so please continue to be patient.

Today was a pretty devastating one.
And I am reeling and processing all that occurred.
I learned that my husband has just days...weeks...left.

At the moment, I am feeling fairly strong, and I know I will need to continue to be.

I still plan on being back in class on Monday.

Take care and be safe.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29th, 2014--9 pm


I am slowly working my way through rough drafts. I received more than I usually do.
I appreciate your patience so much.

I realized that I was taking a lot of time writing the same thing on every rough draft. So I am going to announce this particular reminder here, so I will not have to type it out for every rough draft.

Everything you need to know about MLA format is in your Rules of Thumb text. :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY Sunday, Sept. 28th, 2014--7:10 pm


This weekend has been a very overwhelming one for my family and me. We were given some very sudden and terrible news. My husband has been diagnosed with stage four cancer.

Obviously, I will not be making the trip to Hawaii.

After a lot of thought, I have decided that I will take this coming week off from teaching. I need a little time to digest this recent news that just came this morning. I have revised the course outline and posted it below. I have also made the changes on the syllabus posted on the blog in the Sept. 3 entry.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may create for you.

To recap, I will be taking THIS COMING WEEK off of teaching and will return on Monday, October 6th. You will note that I have changed the final due date for essay 1 to next Monday.

I plan to work through the rough drafts I received over the weekend and you should receive those back this evening or by the end of the day tomorrow, Monday.

Please make the changes to the syllabus immediately so there is no confusion.

If you have ANY questions or concerns, please email me. And again, I apologize for such late notice, but it just could not be helped. The news was shocking and unexpected.

Week Five Sept. 29-October 3
Watch third episode of Breaking Bad (Monday)
Read Packet #4 (Wednesday)
(no class sessions will be held this week. Be sure you complete the above assignments for Monday and Wednesday by next week.)

Week Six October 6-10
Watch episode 4 of Breaking Bad (Monday)
Read Packet #5 (Wednesday)
In class Writing Response #3 (Wednesday)
Group Exercise #1 (Friday)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

3rd posting for Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Below you will find the assignment for Packet 4, due to be viewed by Wednesday, October 1st.


"The Conscience  of Television:--TED TALKS


PLEASE READ ASAP! Second posting for Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Hello again,

I apologize for such a late notice.
I have been battling a migraine all day, hoping that it would not "kick in" full force. Unfortunately, I do not seem to be winning the battle. From my past experiences and history of migraines, I am fairly certain I will not be able to teach class tomorrow.

Class is cancelled for tomorrow, Friday, September 26th.

Please move Group Ex 1 to Monday.
The optional rough draft for essay #1 is still due no later than midnight tomorrow, via email. (see today's earlier blog post.)

Thursday, September 25th, 2014--1 pm


I am extending the due date for the optional Essay #1 rough draft until tomorrow, Friday, at midnight, instead of 5 pm.

Please email it to me as a Word attachment.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22nd, 2014--9 pm


Just some reminders:

1. Please bring Packet 3 materials to all class sessions this week.
2. Please bring the handout from today with the sample paragraphs to class on Wednesday.
3. Please bring your viewer's journal to class on Wednesday. (I suggest that you always have the viewer's journal with you during every class.)

Below is the handout I distributed in class today.

English 20
Looking back at Out of Class Essay #1

Sample Paragraphs
                  Martial arts have been around for quite awhile, and every master has their own way of teaching their disciples.  As well as whom they are willing to teach, most masters keep their secrets to a desired few.  Lee was probably the first person to break the standard way of teaching martial arts; he wanted to teach people the way of the intercepting fist.  At the early age of 13 Lee was train by Master Yip Man in the art of Wing Chung, he later used that as the base of his Jeet Kune Do style.  Lee took his training seriously; he would stretch and perform his routines daily. He managed to injure himself one morning, which put him in the hospital for an extended duration.  During this time Lee decided to write and draw about martial arts.  Lee lived a life of nonconformity, he was known to shape and form his own lifestyle, even if those around him thought his methods were unusual and contradicted the traditional ways.
                  Twenty year after the release of Nirvana’s last album, Kurt Cobain is still as iconic as ever.  The question is, how could it be that even after Cobain’s tragic death his music still flourishes amongst the twentieth century?  There are several factors that explain the influence that Cobain left behind.  First off, Cobain was a “prolific artist, poet, and writer, and his influences can be seen in the art direction of [Nirvana’s] videos” (Cope).  Looks are not everything, but they certainly were a plus for Cobain, from his strong jaw line to blonde hair and blue eyes, he was the face of the era for teenage girls to dream about.  He also had the attitude of counter-culture and brought a whole new level being a rock star to the table.  He was reckless and intoxicated during performances and during interviews he had a certain sadness about him which only attracted his fan base even more than before.  Cobain did not dress to impress for his performances, he simply wore “laidback” clothing such as, flannel shirts and layers, and often dyed his blonde hair to vibrant colors.  Kurt would connect with his audience by truly showing them who he really was which really distinguished him from any other musician at the time.
                  It doesn’t stop there with Macklemore’s nonconformity, the reason his album did so well is because of the type of music he creates and the message he conveys to his audience, he can evoke all kinds of emotions with his music, he can bring back the memories of watching baseball as a child, or make you remember that feeling you got from new shoes that made you feel you can run so fast or jump so high, or the struggles we have in life and disappointing and hurting the ones closest to us and starting over.  While it is the norm for artist to bring out emotions through their music I find that most rappers do not do this and that they send the message of smoking weed and sex and I feel it is noteworthy that Macklemore can do these things so well.

                  There are many different ways to describe a nonconformist  Some are more difficult than others.  If you ask me, a possible definition of a nonconformist is someone who doesn’t go along with the social norms of the their time. Leonardo Da Vinci is a great example of this.  He lived during the Renaissance Era and was a genius in many fields.  A few of these fields include math, science, engineering and art.  He was as much of an inventor as he was an artist.  He was not always seen as great though.  There were a lot of times when he was humiliated and cast aside for his ideas,  Even so this did not discourage him and instead he used these experiences to help with new works.
                  Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio (“The Life of…”)  He was the youngest of seven children born to his parents Nancy Elliot and Sam Edison.  His childhood is said to have been difficult – not only was his family poor, but Edison’s thirst for knowledge drove many people insane.  For example, at the age of seven, he was taken out of school because his teacher had no patience for what was thought to be self-centered behavior and persistent questioning (Beals).  As a result, he was taken out of school and educated at home by his mother; Edison once said “My mother was the making of me.  She was so true, so sure of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint” (“The Life of…”)  From the beginning Edison showed great interest in chemical and mechanical experiments.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday, September 21st, 2014



Just a quick note.
I received an email this evening from a student, asking me about how to submit her final draft of out of class essay #1, due on Friday, October 3rd, since I was going to be gone on my trip.

I wanted to clarify for everyone that I will be gone Week 6, not Week 5. So there will be class on Friday, October 3rd, and you will be submitting your final draft on that day.

The following week, Week 6, October 6-10th, is the week that I will be gone and no class will be held.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014--9 pm


With apologies to Brittanie from section 6 (I believe it was you who asked specifically about this)--below you will find the pages in Rules of Thumb that are especially helpful in locating legitimate sources while conducting research, as well as how to determine their integrity.


pg. 120--"Choose the Best Sources of Information"
pg. 121--"Sizing up a Website"

pgs. 191-194--"A List of Valuable Sources"

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday evening, Sept. 18th--7:45 pm


Just a quick note...

Only 48 students, out of my 93 English 20 students, checked the blog on Monday.
In that blog entry, I reminded students to bring their Rules of Thumb text to class on Wednesday. This was meant as a huge not-so-subtle hint that there would be a quiz on the assigned reading from that text. :)

As the syllabus states, we can never cover everything that is assigned to be read or viewed--that is nearly impossible in any course. Yet, each assignment is given because it contains important information, whether or not you are "tested" on it or not.

The reason I am posting this blog entry is to remind you to stay current.

As veteran students, those who do not yet have Rules of Thumb, for whatever reason, should know by now, that you need to communicate with the instructor in this kind of situation, or use your class contact sheet.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014--7:15 pm


Attention! I just noticed an error on the way I numbered the Reading Packets on the syllabus. I have you reading Packet 3 next week, and then again in Week 5. I have now correctly numbered the packets on the syllabus posted on the blog. Please make a note of this. :)

Below you will find the following:

1.  The assignment for out of class essay #1, distributed in class today.
2.  Packet 3 assignment, due on Monday, Sept. 22

A few reminders...

1.  remember to bring your copy of Rules of Thumb to class on Wednesday.
2.  remember to bring your notes from viewing the speech by David Foster Wallace (Packet 2) on Wednesday.
3.  remember to bring your copy of the Sacramento State Writing Handbook to class on Friday.


(We will be looking at the health care issue in America, perhaps from several different points of view you may not have considered. Health care is definitely an issue that is evident in season one of  Breaking Bad.)

1.  "Cardiologist Speaks from the Heart about America's Medical System"


(please note: this is an audio item that is 27 minutes, 27 seconds in length. I highly suggest that you listen to the presentation as well as read the transcript)

2.  "Why Does Health Care Cost so Much?:
(Please note: this article is three pages in length.)

3. "Abraham Verghese:  A Doctor's Touch"


English 20, Sections 3, 6, & 8
Fall, 2014
Catherine Fraga, Instructor

Out of Class Essay Assignment #1—200 points possible—

Assigned: Monday, Sept. 15

Rough Draft Due (OPTIONAL), typed & double spaced, no later than Friday, Sept. 26—please e-mail me draft as a Word document no later than 5 pm on the 26th.

Final Draft Due:  Friday, October 3. Typed & double spaced.
If you submitted a rough draft, please attach it to the back of the final draft when submitting.

Let’s take a closer look at the issue of conformity/non-conformity.

The most interesting, focused and articulate essays I receive from students are ones where students select their own specific topic and are genuinely intrigued by the topic.

For this essay, you will research and write about one person who is/was considered a non-conformist by many in his/her field of interest. Consider the possibility that the person deemed a non-conformist may not, in your opinion, actually BE a non-conformist. So your essay could support or disprove the label given by the majority of society.

This topic allows for a wealth of flexibility and choice.

Your focus will be on a person working in an area (and time period in history) that you are most interested in: photography; art; literature; sports; politics; film; computers; music; fashion; science; mathematics; education; or ???

To get a better idea of some possibilities, and for purpose of illustration, let’s look at some examples of topics within in the time period of the 1950s in America.

Premise: Many in the 1950s worked diligently for the comfort and conformity displayed on such TV shows as Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver. But regardless of the affluence of the new American middle class, there was still poverty, racism and alienation in America rarely depicted on TV.

Dozens of people rejected societal norms through their artwork, creativity and lifestyle. They used words, art, film and music to rebel against the cookie-cutter mentality of the established power structure and mass-marketed culture.

Many writers during this time period (referred to as the Beat Generation) adamantly refused to submit to the conformity of the 1950s. (these writers included Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Diane Di Prima, Sloan Wilson, J.D. Salinger, William Burroughs, and others)

Likewise, many artists during this time period adamantly refused to submit to the conformity of the 1950s. (these artists included Willem De Kooning, Hans Hoffman, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Clement Greenberg, and others)

Also, according to an Internet article on Conformity in U.S. History: “While the 1950s silver screen lit up mostly with the typical Hollywood fare of Westerns and romances, a handful of films shocked audiences by uncovering the dark side of America’s youth.”

Many filmmakers of this time period adamantly refused to submit to the conformity of the 1950s. (these films include The Wild One; Blackboard Jungle; Rebel without a Cause, etc)

No matter what non conformist you select to research, your essay must contain the following:
·       your working definition of a non-conformist (in order to frame and set up your argument) Please do not use a dictionary definition.
·       a brief history of the country’s mood during this time period;
·       background and details about the non-conformist you will focus on, in particular, those that help support your premise;
·       how his/her work challenged the status quo;
·       the impact of his/her work on others in the same field and on society;
·       and the repercussions and influence felt today or what you predict WILL be the repercussions in the future.

Your essay will be both informative and analytical: your thesis will “prove” the person’s influence, or not, on people’s lives, then and now.

Things to Consider:

This is NOT an essay in which you write an in depth analysis of the literature, film, music, fashion, etc. of the time period you are focused on. To do that, you would need to carefully read, view, or listen to the work or material at great length.

Instead, you are conducting research to discover the mood of the country and the status quo during a particular time period——why and how a person’s work was considered non conformist—and how their work influenced those living then…and now.

Your thesis might read something like this:

Although 1950s America appeared to be almost unrealistically content, many visual artists at this time, particularly Jackson Pollack, successfully combated the blissful charade by using innovative methods and themes in his work.

Mahatma Ghandi                                    George Carlin
Martin Luther King, Jr.                                    John Cassavetes
Eminem                                                Yves St. Laurent
Georgia O’Keefe                                    Abby Hoffman
Galileo Galilei                                                John Lennon
Emma Goldman                                    David Mamet
Janis Joplin                                                Jim Morrison
Johnny Cash                                                Ralph Nader
Steve Jobs                                                Joan of Arc
Nelson Mandela                                    Che Guevara
Karl Marx                                                Bill Gates
Dr. Jack Kevorkian                                    James Dean
Quentin Crisp                                                Henry David Thoreau
Ayn Rand                                                Elvis Presley
Carl Jung                                               
Carl Sagan
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Second posting for Sunday, Sept. 14th--7:10 pm

Greetings, again,

for those who are interested in viewing the transcript of the speech assigned for Packet 2, below is the link to the text of the speech. I am sure some of you have already located the text, but just in case you have not.


Sunday, September 14th, 2014--4:45 pm

I just noticed that I failed to indicate on the syllabus what DAY pages 63-100 were due to be read in Rules of Thumb this week. They are due on Wednesday, along with Reading Packet #2.
See you tomorrow!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th, 2014--12:06 am


below you will find the assignment for Reading Packet #2. This packet is actually a video to watch. However, you may find it helpful to access the actual script of the speech. That can be found easily by googling the title of the speech.


"This is Water"--a college commencement speech by David Foster Wallace


Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014--7 pm


There are a few very minor errors on the syllabus. I have made the adjustments on the copy posted on the blog. For your own information, please note the following:

1. Week Three. It indicates for you to read pages 63-100 in Rules of Thumb. However, I failed to note what day that is due to be read. It is due on Monday of week three.

2. Week Seven. It indicates that in class essay #1 is to be on Friday of this week. That is incorrect. It will take place on Monday.

Also! You will find below a copy of the handout distributed today in class: Viewer's Journal Assignment.

English 20, Fall 2014, C. Fraga
Viewer’s Journal Assignment  (character study journal)

Learning Outcome:  If one is able to write an in-depth character analysis, one will be able to write ANY kind of analysis.

Observing character and determining/analyzing why someone acts, thinks, speaks, reacts, feels, and responds the way one does is both intriguing and also the most challenging of tasks.

For your Out of Class Essay #3, you will be writing a very in-depth analysis of ONE of the main characters from Breaking Bad, Season 1.
You will select one of the following characters: HANK; MARIE; WALTER, SR.; WALTER, JR.; JESSE; or SKYLAR

(This is NOT the official assignment for the essay. You will receive that on the day indicated on the syllabus.)

However, when you do eventually submit Out of Class Essay #3, you will ALSO be submitting a Viewer’s Journal as well. If you do not submit the Journal, 20 points will be deducted from your score on the essay.

What is a Viewer’s Journal?
Simply, as you watch each episode of Breaking Bad, Season 1, you will jot down notes. There are no specific guidelines for WHAT you will write.

Record what you believe is significant or may end up being significant. Some of your entries might read a lot like a recap of the episode. That is fine.

As you view each episode, begin to think about what character you would like to focus on for essay 3. Throughout your viewing, more than one character may intrigue you, so you may be jotting down observations and details about more than one character.

This journal is strictly for YOU and for your use and reference when planning and preparing to write essay 3. I will not be reading through them. There is no requirement for length or content. These notes can be typed or handwritten or be barely readable. Obviously, though, they should be at least readable to YOU. J

When you submit essay 3, you will attach these journal entries to the back of the essay.
It must be clear to me that you have SEVEN distinct entries, one for each episode. Each entry must be titled by the name of the episode.

Episode 2: “Cat’s in the Bag”

As you view each episode, and observe the main characters, here are some questions to guide your note taking.
• What does this character do (and not do) and why?
• What do others think about your character? And how do you know?
• What motivates your character to do what he/she does?
• What influences this character to do what he/she does?
• What was your first impression of this character and does it change as you view new episodes? Why or why not? In which ways?
• What are this character’s goals, dreams, desires, needs? How do you know?
• Do you like this character? Why or why not?
• Is this character a believable one, a genuine one? Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Second posting for--Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Below you will find the assignment for Reading Packet #1, due to be read by Wed.  Sept. 10th.  Please note the Packet contains two items--an article and a TED Talk video for you view.
It is your choice: you can print out a hard copy of the article and the transcript from the video and bring them to class. Or you can bring an electronic device to class and access the assignments that way. In any case, you need to come to class prepared to discuss the Packet.


"Sweet land of...Conformity?"
By Claude Fischer


"A. J. Jacobs' Year of Living Biblically"